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Sophie Activities

Learn more about the Sophie Activities: a theatre-based workshop for students, a training course for teachers and educators and a training course for families!

Workshop for students

"Learn to learn in safe digital environments"

"Learn to learn in safe digital environments" is a 20-hour theatre-based workshop for students which will take place in each partner country to:

  • Try out and validate the Forum Theatre (FT) methodology to help students critically engage in digital learning environments and become responsible, healthy, and safe digital citizens, avoiding participating in cyberbullying. 

  • Create FT pieces so that students can share their perspective on online learning and digital safety and try out alternatives to conflict. 

  • Develop students’ skills to recognise and address the risks connected to the use of the Internet. 

  • Understand students’ needs and concerns around the online learning and digital life. 

Training Course for teachers & educators

“Safe and inclusive online learning for primary school students”

“Safe and inclusive online learning for primary school students” is a 10-hour training course for teachers and educators which will take place in each partner country to:

  • Share and learn new strategies to support, accompany and guide students in the digital environments. 

  • Detect difficulties of their students in online learning and their causes in order to address them adequately. 

  • Share and learn the pros and cons of the online platforms in use. 

  • Improve their digital skills, enable them to recognise and address the risks connected to the use of the Internet, with special attention to cyberbullying, and to help children identify and respond to them, while also adapting their methodologies so that online education becomes more effective and inclusive.

Training Course for Families

“Safe and inclusive online learning from home”

“Safe and inclusive online learning from home” is a 10-hour training course for families in each country which will take place in each partner country to:

  • Share and learn new strategies to support, accompany and guide their children in the digital environments. 

  • Detect difficulties of their children in online learning and their causes in order to address them adequately. 

  • Improve their digital skills, enable them to recognize and address the risks connected to the use of the Internet, with special attention to cyberbullying, and to help children identify and respond to them.

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